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Last release (GTK+ 2): v1.0.5 (17-Mar-2024)
Development / maintenance (GTK+ 2): Git master
More or less functional GTK+ 3 port: Git gtk3 branch
Last release for GTK+ 1: v0.6.8 (25-Feb-2006)
The rest of this web site is mostly out of date.

Screen Shots

(click on image to get full-size version)

This is the main window of SoundTracker with the Tracker view. You can see six channels of a pattern filled with some notes. The "oscilloscopes" at the top visualize what is played on each channel. The two sliders at the upper right corner are used to amplify the audio signal and to change the playback pitch (you can make the module play slower or faster, if you want to).
Here you can see the Instrument Editor view. The two curves display the instrument volume and panning curves, respectively -- a powerful numerical editor for this instrument data is also available. Below that are some other instrument parameters and the sample map editor, through which you decide which of the 16 samples of an instrument is bound to which note pitch.
The Sample Editor view. The sample editor has a simple recorder included; full-duplex can be exploited if you have a soundcard supporting it: You can record samples while the module is playing. Basic editing functions like Cut, Copy and Paste are of course also included. The two yellow lines indicate the loop points of the sample, the red line points at the currently played spot of the sample.
Last, but not least, the Module Info page offers an overview of the basic module structure, i.e. the instruments and samples used. At the lower right corner there is the ProTracker compatibility toggle, which enables further PT compatibility code in addition to the good XM emulation the OpenCP player already provides.

Page maintained by Michael Krause ( The SoundTracker logo has been drawn by Martin Andersson a.k.a. Globber/Triclapse.