Documentation / Tutorial

1. Definition of waveguide geometry

Use a text editor to create a file called fiber.mgp:

# 'Background index' = refractive index at z -> +infinity
n 1.5
# Circular interface:
# outside index = 1.5, inside index = 3.5,
# center ρ = 0, center z = 0, radius = .16 microns
c 1.5 3.5 0 0 .16
# Define 'core area', explained below
C -.2 -.2 .2 .2

This is a simple waveguide-geometry file for wgms3d representing a fiber of .16 microns radius and a refractive index of 3.5 embedded in a surrounding medium of refractive index 1.5. The lines starting with '#' are simply comments, you may leave them out. The 'x' marks the end of the input file.

The two-dimensional waveguide cross section is spanned by the lateral ("horizontal") ρ axis and by the vertical z axis (figure).

The line beginning with 'C' defines an area and is optional for our first calculations. It is only required later for leakage / curvature calculations where the mode fields may have both real and imaginary parts. In those cases wgms3d multiplies the whole mode field with a constant phase factor such that the mode field in the area defined by 'C' is approximately real (this has no physical significance, but is useful vor visualization purposes). The syntax is 'C ρ1 z1 ρ2 z2', meaning an area spanned by the lower left point (ρ,z)=(ρ1,z1) and the upper right point (ρ2,z2).

2. Plot the waveguide geometry in Matlab

For a first check whether you've entered the geometry correctly, start up Matlab, change the current directory to that where fiber.mgp resides, and make sure the matlab subdirectory from the wgms3d distribution is in Matlab's search path (e.g., using the menu "File" - "Set Path..." or the addpath command). Then type

>> wgms3d_plot_mgp('fiber.mgp')
Plot of fiber geometry file.

at the Matlab prompt. This should open a figure and show the boundaries of the dielectric interfaces you have defined.

3. Run wgms3d to calculate the modes

Open a terminal, change the current directory to that where fiber.mgp resides, make sure wgms3d is in your search path, and run

$ wgms3d -g fiber.mgp -l 1.55 -U -0.8:120:+0.8 -V -0.8:120:+0.8 -n 4

These command-line arguments have the following meaning:

After a few seconds you should get an output like this:

* wgms3d version 0.8.8 *
Curvature = 0.000000e+00/UOL (Radius of curvature = infUOL)
Wavelength = 1.550000e+00UOL; real calculation.
Setting up FD system matrix (initial dimension = 28800)... 
Storing 192/14400 non-standard diffops (~0MB).
Eliminated 480 unknowns with Dirichlet BCs.
Final matrix dimension is 28320; 255488 non-zero entries.
Searching for modes near n_eff = 3.500
Factorizing system matrix using SuperLU... (~41MB)
Eigensolving using ARPACK (nev=4, ncv=20)...
Eigencalculation finished successfully (niter=8,nconv=4).
EV   0: n_eff = 1.9829687310274806 + i 0.0000000000000000e+00
        alpha = 0.00e+00dB/UOL [0.00e+00dB/90deg], pol = '?'
EV   1: n_eff = 1.9829687310274784 + i 0.0000000000000000e+00
        alpha = 0.00e+00dB/UOL [0.00e+00dB/90deg], pol = 'H'
EV   2: n_eff = 1.4516481956262905 + i 0.0000000000000000e+00
        alpha = 0.00e+00dB/UOL [0.00e+00dB/90deg], pol = '?'
EV   3: n_eff = 1.3396497677681698 + i 0.0000000000000000e+00
        alpha = 0.00e+00dB/UOL [0.00e+00dB/90deg], pol = '?'
Total walltime (min:sec) = 0:04.

You can see the four modes listed with their effective indices. The first two modes (0 and 1) have approximately the same index of 1.98 -- those modes correspond to the two polarizations of the fundamental mode of the circular fiber (which, in theory, should have identical effective indices; but remember this is an approximate numerical solution)

Furthermore, wgms3d has generated several output files, namely x.txt, y.txt, and (most importantly) hr-XX.bin and hz-XX.bin which contain the ρ and z components of the magnetic field of the waveguides modes (XX = 00, 01, 02, 03).

4. Visualize the result

To have a look at the modes, go back to your Matlab session and type

>> wgms3d_plot_ht(0, 'Geometry', 'fiber.mgp')
Plot of fiber fundamental mode.

This should open a figure window and plot contours representing the magnitude of the transverse magnetic mode field (in a linear scale), as well as arrows representing its vector direction; also the waveguide geometry is included for clarity, and the boundaries of the computational domain are indicated by thick red lines.

The 'ht' in the last command stands for 'transverse magnetic field'; there are similar commands for the transverse electric field (et), and for the longitudinal fields (hl and el), however for these to work you have to instruct wgms3d to calculate and export those fields, too (command-line options -E, -F, -G, and -H, respectively - just have a look at the help output: wgms3d -h).

The wgms3d_plot_XX commands have a lot more options, which you can find by looking inside those scripts. For example,

>> wgms3d_plot_ht(2, 'Geometry', 'fiber.mgp', 'LogContours', 1, 'QuiverGrid', 20, 'QuiverNormed', 'QuiverScale', 0.7)
Plot of higher-order waveguide mode.

gives you logarithmically spaced contours (here, in steps of 1 dB), makes the script re-interpolate the field data such that you get 20 x 20 arrows (give an argument of 0 to QuiverGrid to disable re-interpolation), and finally makes the arrows all have the same length instead of being proportional to the magnitude of the local field.

This example shows mode #2: since its effective index of 1.451 is lower than the cladding index of 1.5, it shouldn't be interpreted as a mode guided by the fiber. In fact, it is a mode guided by a metallic waveguide with perfectly conducting walls (located at the borders of the computational domain) with a non-homogeneous dielectric filling.

5. Calculating leaky modes with Perfectly Matched Layers (PMLs)

Let's create a waveguide structure fiberleak.mgp that supports leaky modes (even when the waveguide itself is straight and not curved). To this end we take the fiber from above and add a little slab-like structure with a large refractive index at the right-hand side - admittedly it's a bit absurd, but it shows you how to create Bézier-type as well as straight dielectric interfaces:

n 1.5
c 1.5 3.5 0e-6 0e-6 .160e-6
b 1.5 3.5 .4e-6 -.1e-6 .4e-6 .2e-6 .6e-6 .2e-6
l 3.5 1.5 .4e-6 -.1e-6 .4e-6 -.2e-6
l 3.5 1.5 .4e-6 -.2e-6 100e-6 -.2e-6
l 1.5 3.5 .6e-6 .2e-6 100e-6 .2e-6
C -.2e-6 -.2e-6 .2e-6 .2e-6
Geometry of a leaky waveguide.

The 'l' lines specify a linear (straight) dielectric interface. The syntax is 'l nleft nright ρ1 z1 ρ2 z2', meaning a straight line from (ρ,z)=(ρ1,z1) to (ρ2,z2) with refractive indices nleft and nright on the left-hand and right-hand sides of this line, respectively (as seen when walking from point 1 to point 2).

The 'b' lines specify a three-point Bézier curve. The syntax is 'b nleft nright ρ1 z1 ρ2 z2 ρ3 z3'. (Internally, two more nodes are interpolated between points 1+2 and 2+3 to make sure the local curvature is zero at the ends of the curve).

Now let's run wgms3d:

$ wgms3d -g fiberleak.mgp -l 1.55e-6 -U -0.8e-6:500:+2.3e-6 -V -1.0e-6:181:+1.01e-6 -n 4 -s 1.98 -P e:30:0.5

The new command-line arguments have the following meaning:

The computation now takes a bit longer and consumes more memory due to the larger number of discretization points. The shell output looks something like this:

* wgms3d version 0.8.8 *
Curvature = 0.000000e+00/UOL (Radius of curvature = infUOL)
Wavelength = 1.550000e-06UOL; complex calculation.
Setting up FD system matrix (initial dimension = 181000)... 
Storing 6745/90500 non-standard diffops (~18MB).
Eliminated 1362 unknowns with Dirichlet BCs.
Final matrix dimension is 179638; 1637546 non-zero entries.
Searching for modes near n_eff = 1.980
Factorizing system matrix using SuperLU... (~703MB)
Eigensolving using ARPACK (nev=4, ncv=20)...
Eigencalculation finished successfully (niter=7,nconv=4).
EV   0: n_eff = 1.9764099990630652 + i 1.0503532193893206e-02
        alpha = 3.70e+05dB/UOL [0.00e+00dB/90deg], pol = 'V'
EV   1: n_eff = 1.9917951427543028 + i 6.9603012322827194e-03
        alpha = 2.45e+05dB/UOL [0.00e+00dB/90deg], pol = 'H'
EV   2: n_eff = 1.8451030106630903 + i 1.4143695929151687e-01
        alpha = 4.98e+06dB/UOL [0.00e+00dB/90deg], pol = 'V'
EV   3: n_eff = 1.9190805395610866 + i 1.7529396517506088e-01
        alpha = 6.17e+06dB/UOL [0.00e+00dB/90deg], pol = 'V'
Total walltime (min:sec) = 1:23.

The output now also gives you the leakage losses in dB per unit of length (here, since the waveguide geometry as well as the wavelength was specified in meters, the leakage losses are in dB/m). Furthermore, the two previously degenerate fundamental modes of the fiber here split up into clearly distinguishable (predominantly) horizontally and vertically polarized modes, with effective indices of 1.992 and 1.976, respectively.

To visualize the modes, go back to Matlab and enter:

>> wgms3d_plot_ht(0, 'Geometry', 'fiberleak.mgp', 'LogContours', 3, 'RealContours')
Plot of leaky mode with absolute-value contours.

Here, the RealContours option results in the contour plot to be based on the real part of the mode field only, so that you can directly see the radiated field in the slab in the form of a spatial oscillation. The radiated field is slightly non-uniform since several modes are excited in the slab due to the asymmetry in its upper left corner. The beginning of the PML region on the right-hand (east) side of the computational domain is marked with the thick black dashed line.

If you omit the RealContours option, the contours will display the absolute value of the field:

>> wgms3d_plot_ht(0, 'Geometry', 'fiberleak.mgp', 'LogContours', 3)
Plot of leaky mode with real-part contours only.

The absolute value of the field corresponds to the radiation amplitude and does not significantly oscillate. In this display mode you can clearly see how the PML damps the field without introducing a standing wave in the slab due to parasitic reflections. This indicates that our PML settings are probably okay (neither too weak nor too strong). (Try out what happens when you change the PML scaling from 0.5 towards much lower or much higher values.)

6. Calculating curvature / bending loss

Curvature losses of waveguides are also easily calculated using wgms3d. We now go back to the original fiber without the adjacent slab (fiber.mgp).

Use the '-R' option to specify a radius of curvature of the entire waveguides (and don't forget to enable the PML):

$ wgms3d -g fiber.mgp -l 1.55 -U -0.8:200:+2.3 -V -1.5:201:+1.5 -n 4 -s 2.0 -P e:30:0.5 -P n:30:0.5 -P s:30:0.5 -R 1.7

Here's the shell output:

* wgms3d version 0.8.8 *
Curvature = 5.882353e-01/UOL (Radius of curvature = 1.700000e+00UOL)
Wavelength = 1.550000e+00UOL; complex calculation.
Setting up FD system matrix (initial dimension = 80400)... 
Storing 15911/40200 non-standard diffops (~43MB).
Eliminated 802 unknowns with Dirichlet BCs.
Final matrix dimension is 79598; 1063083 non-zero entries.
Searching for modes near n_eff = 2.000
Factorizing system matrix using SuperLU... (~431MB)
Eigensolving using ARPACK (nev=4, ncv=20)...
Eigencalculation finished successfully (niter=26,nconv=4).
EV   0: n_eff = 2.0095819097943122 + i 5.8014472821806742e-03
        alpha = 2.04e-01dB/UOL [5.45e-01dB/90deg], pol = 'H'
EV   1: n_eff = 2.0102046955531518 + i 5.4406798460499154e-03
        alpha = 1.92e-01dB/UOL [5.12e-01dB/90deg], pol = 'V'
EV   2: n_eff = 1.9308346699396537 + i 4.3596398496773914e-01
        alpha = 1.54e+01dB/UOL [4.10e+01dB/90deg], pol = 'V'
EV   3: n_eff = 1.9434002331683438 + i 4.4616185694016069e-01
        alpha = 1.57e+01dB/UOL [4.19e+01dB/90deg], pol = '?'
Total walltime (min:sec) = 1:33.

Plot the horizontally polarized mode in Matlab using

>> wgms3d_plot_ht(0, 'Geometry', 'fiber.mgp', 'LogContours', 3, 'QuiverGrid', 40, 'RealContours')
Plot of curved-waveguide mode.

This time the losses are given, as above, in dB per unit of length (measured along the waveguide axis at ρ=0), and additionally in dB per 90-degree bend (this is only the pure bending loss, not including any effects due to transitions between straight and curved waveguide sections).

7. Calculating complex modes

It is well-known that some waveguide structures, even when they consist only of lossless dielectrics and perfectly conducting metals, may have modes with a complex (i.e., neither purely real nor purely imaginary) propagation constant. This can happen even if the waveguide is straight and does not have any obvious means for energy to leak away from the waveguide core.

wgms3d can also be used to calculate these 'complex modes'. A PML is not necessary. Just run the mode solver with the respective geometry; if complex modes are there, they will be returned just like any other mode.

Here, as an example, we consider the waveguide from Fig. 4b in J. Strube, F. Arndt, "Rigorous Hybrid-Mode Analysis of the Transition from Rectangular Waveguide to Shielded Dielectric Image Guide," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. MTT-33, no. 5, May 1985:

n 1.0
l 1.0 2.449 -3.505e-3 -1      -3.505e-3 3.25e-3 
l 1.0 2.449 -3.505e-3 3.25e-3 +3.505e-3 3.25e-3
l 1.0 2.449 +3.505e-3 3.25e-3 +3.505e-3 -1
C -3.0 0.0 +3.0 +3.0

and run wgms3d like this (the chosen wavelength corresponds to a frequency of 15 GHz):

$ wgms3d -g strube.mgp -l 19.986e-3 -U -7.899e-3:202:7.899e-3 -V 0:201:7.9e-3 -n 6

The resulting output (agrees well with the data of Fig. 4b in Strube's article):

* wgms3d version 0.8.8 *
Curvature = 0.000000e+00/UOL (Radius of curvature = infUOL)
Wavelength = 1.998600e-02UOL; real calculation.
Setting up FD system matrix (initial dimension = 81204)... 
Storing 512/40602 non-standard diffops (~1MB).
Eliminated 806 unknowns with Dirichlet BCs.
Final matrix dimension is 80398; 727922 non-zero entries.
Searching for modes near n_eff = 2.449
Factorizing system matrix using SuperLU... (~142MB)
Eigensolving using ARPACK (nev=6, ncv=20)...
Eigencalculation finished successfully (niter=4,nconv=6).
EV   0: n_eff = 1.7301360663573013 + i 0.0000000000000000e+00
        alpha = 0.00e+00dB/UOL [0.00e+00dB/90deg], pol = 'V'
EV   1: n_eff = 1.0254521282951294 + i 0.0000000000000000e+00
        alpha = 0.00e+00dB/UOL [0.00e+00dB/90deg], pol = '?'
EV   2: n_eff = 0.6667567603225206 + i 0.0000000000000000e+00
        alpha = 0.00e+00dB/UOL [0.00e+00dB/90deg], pol = 'V'
EV   3: n_eff = 0.1577385548627442 + i-7.3456104855028093e-01
        alpha =-2.01e+03dB/UOL [0.00e+00dB/90deg], pol = '?'
EV   4: n_eff = 0.1577385548627442 + i 7.3456104855028093e-01
        alpha = 2.01e+03dB/UOL [0.00e+00dB/90deg], pol = '?'
EV   5: n_eff = 0.0000000000000000 + i 8.1605468406413462e-01
        alpha = 2.23e+03dB/UOL [0.00e+00dB/90deg], pol = 'H'
Total walltime (min:sec) = 0:12.

Modes #0, #1 and #2 are ordinary propagating modes of the waveguide, since their effective index is real. Modes #3 and #4 are the complex modes whose computation we wanted to illustrate here. They always come in complex-conjugate pairs. Mode #5 is an ordinary evanescent mode of the waveguide, since its effective index is purely imaginary. Here we plot one of the complex modes:

>> wgms3d_plot_ht(3, 'Geometry', 'strube.mgp', 'QuiverGrid', 30, 'QuiverNormed', 'QuiverScale', 0.7)
Plot of complex mode.

In plots of complex-valued mode fields, the real and imaginary parts of the mode field are represented by blue and green arrows, respectively.

8. Remarks

Some more things that deserve mention:

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